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< Based on 38.211 - Table PUCCH formats.>

Format Types Lengh of Symbols Number of bits Descriptions (based on 38.300 - 5.3.3)
Format 0 1~2 <= 2 Short PUCCH.with UE multiplexing in the same PRB.Based on sequence selection.
Format 1 4~14 <= 2 Long PUCCH.with multiplexing in the same PRB.time-multiplex the UCI and DMRS
Format 2 1~2 > 2 Short PUCCH.with no multiplexing in the same PRB.frequency multiplexes UCI and DMRS
Format 3 4~14 > 2 Long PUCCH.with large UCI payloads and with no multiplexing capacity in the same PRBtime-multiplex the UCI and DMRS
Format 4 4~14 > 2 Long PUCCH.with moderate UCI payloads and with some multiplexing capacity(max 4 UE) in the same PRB.

通过 38.300 - 5.3.3 中的描述可以帮助你从另一个方面了解不同格式的区别。

最大 2bits 的短格式PUCCH是基于序列选择的,而大于 2bits 的短格式PUCCH 在频域复用UCI和DMRS。长格式的PUCCH时域复用UCI和DMRS。长格式PUCCH和占2符号的短格式PUCCH能够支持跳频。长格式PUCCH能多slots重复。


Parameter Format 0 Format 1 Format 2 Format 3 Format 4
UCI Bit Length <= 2 <= 2 > 2 > 2 > 2
PUCCH Length Short Long Short Long Long
UE Multiplexing in Same PRB YES(CS) YES(CS&OCC) NO NO YES(PreDFT OCC)
UCI/DMRS Multiplexing Method N/A TDM FDM TDM TDM
starting PRB/PRB offset PRB-Id PRB-Id PRB-Id PRB-Id PRB-Id
nrofPRBs 1 1 1~16 1~16 1
intraSlotFrequencyHopping enabled enabled enabled enabled enabled
startingSymbolIndex 0~13 0~10 0~13 0~10 0~10
nrofSymbols 1~2 4~14 1~2 4~14 4~14
initialCyclicShift 0~11 0~11 N/A N/A N/A
timeDomainOCC N/A 0~6 N/A N/A N/A
occ-Length N/A N/A N/A N/A 2,4
occ-Index N/A N/A N/A N/A 0,1,2,3
interslotFrequencyHopping N/A enabled enabled enabled enabled
additionalDMRS N/A true true true true
maxCodeRate N/A
nrofSlots N/A 2,4,8 2,4,8 2,4,8 2,4,8
pi2BPSK N/A enabled enabled enabled enabled
simultaneousHARQ_ACK_CSI N/A true true true true

如何选择 PUCCH 格式?

  • 第一个原则是根据需要发送的UCI bits数量决定,根据上表可以看到根据bits长度不同分为两类。当UCI bits小于等于2,选择Format 0 或 1; 当UCI bits大于等于3,选择Format 2/3/4。
  • 第二个原则是根据UE在相同PRB上复用的可能性决定。Format 0/1/4 支持复用而 Format 2/3 不支持复用。
  • 最后一个原则是根据不同信道条件下的健壮性来决定。一般来说基于序列的PUCCH会比基于DMRS的更健壮,相同格式的PUCCH在发送bits数不同或DMRS不同时其健壮性也会不同。具体参考 Physical Uplink Control Channel Design for 5G NewvRadio

如何决定 PUCCH 的位置?

以下是 38.213 - 9.2.1 PUCCH Resource Sets 描述PUCCH参数的示例。从这些示例可以看出,有些参数适用于所有格式的PUCCH,而有的参数只用于特定格式的PUCCH。


如何定义 PUCCH 基带信号?

NR PUCCH 基带信号的生成过程与 LTE PUCCH(format 1,1a,1b, format 2,2a,2b and format 3) 同样复杂。PUCCH 的作用只是为了发送很少的几个bits给gNB,为什么需要如此复杂的过程呢?

实际上 PUCCH 不是唯一设计成如此复杂的信道,在通信技术中每个信道的处理都非常复杂。主要原因是为了保证信息传输的可靠性,或通过增加一些复杂性来将有限的物理资源能够给多用户复用。

总之,我不认为自己能够用简单的语言描述 PUCCH 基带信号产生的设计概念,也不会假装自己了解所有细节。


这一部分主要目的是为了写一个PUCCH 基带处理的备忘表,并搞清楚RRC参数和基带处理之间的联系,尽管我们无法完全搞懂这一过程,但至少能够了解这些RRC参数与基带处理的哪些部分有关系。

PUCCH 基带处理分3步:

这3步对所有PUCCH格式都适用(Format 0,1,2,3,4),但不同的格式会在处理过程中有部分不同参数,有的格式还需要一些额外的步骤。

< PUCCH Baseband Sequence Generation >


< Group and sequence hopping >


< Cyclic Shift >



< PUCCH Format 0 Baseband Sequence >


< PUCCH Format 1 Baseband Sequence >


< 38.211 - Table Number of PUCCH symbols and the corresponding 在这里插入图片描述>


< 38.211 - Table Orthogonal sequences imgfor PUCCH format 1 >


< PUCCH Format 2 Baseband Sequence >


< PUCCH Format 3 Baseband Sequence >



< PUCCH Format 4 Baseband Sequence >




< Baseband Parameters for PUCCH Format >
RRC Parameters Related PUCCH Format Description
PUCCH-F0-F1-initial-cyclic-shift Format 0 / 1 The index of the cyclic shift = {0,1,…11}
PUCCH-F1-time-domain-OCC Format 1 The index of the orthogonal cover code
dataScramblingIdentityPUSCH Format 2 / 3 / 4 Initialization of scrambling
PUCCH-F4-preDFT-OCC-index Format 4 The index of the orthogonal cover code = {0,1,2,3}
PUCCH-F4-preDFT-OCC-length Format 4 The length of the orghogonal cover code = {2,4}



PUCCH-Resource ::= SEQUENCE {

pucch-ResourceId PUCCH-ResourceId,

startingPRB PRB-Id,

intraSlotFrequencyHopping ENUMERATED { enabled } OPTIONAL, – Need R

secondHopPRB PRB-Id OPTIONAL, – Need R

​ …


如下是一些跳频的例子,更多例子请参考 this note with Matlab 5G Toolbox。



根据如下条件选择使用QPSK 或 BPSK 调制。

  • 长格式 PUCCH 发送大于等于 2 bits 信息 : QPSK
  • 短格式 PUCCH 发送大于 2 bits 信息 : QPSK
  • 长格式 PUCCH 发送 1 bit 信息 : BPSK


根据 UCI bits 数选择不同的信道编码方式。

UCI size including CRC, if present Channel Code
1 Repetition code
2 Simplex Code
3-11 Reed Muller Code
> 11 Polar Code


UCI可以和PUSCH同时发送,也被称作复用。UCI / PUSCH 复用场景在 38.300 - 5.3.3 里描述。

  • UCI 携带 1/2 bits HARQ-ACK 反馈通过 PUSCH 打孔进行复用

  • 其他场景下UCI通过 PUSCH 速率匹配进行复用



  • startingPRB/PRB offset
  • intraSlotFrequencyHopping
  • secondHopPRB
  • First symbol (Starting Symbol)/startingSymbolIndex
  • Number of symbols/nrofSymbols
  • initial CS indexes(initialCyclicShift)
  • Number of PRBs/nrofPRBs
  • timeDomainOCC
  • occ-Length
  • occ-Index
  • interslotFrequencyHopping
  • additionalDMRS
  • maxCodeRate
  • nrofSlots
  • pi2BPSK
  • simultaneousHARQ_ACK_CSI


Parameter Applicable PUCCH Format
starting PRB/PRB offset Common to All format(Format 0, Format 1, Format 2, Format 3, Format 4)
intraSlotFrequencyHopping Common to All format(Format 0, Format 1, Format 2, Format 3, Format 4)
secondHopPRB Common to All format(Format 0, Format 1, Format 2, Format 3, Format 4)
startingSymbolIndex Common to All format(Format 0, Format 1, Format 2, Format 3, Format 4)
nrofSymbols Common to All format(Format 0, Format 1, Format 2, Format 3, Format 4)
initialCyclicShift Format 0, Format 1
nrofPRBs Format 2, Format 3
timeDomainOCC Format 1
occ-Length Format 4
occ-Index Format 4
interslotFrequencyHopping Format 1, Format 2, Format 3, Format 4 (See PUCCH-FormatConfig)
additionalDMRS Format 1, Format 2, Format 3, Format 4 (See PUCCH-FormatConfig)
maxCodeRate Format 2, Format 3, Format 4 (See PUCCH-FormatConfig)
nrofSlots Format 1, Format 2, Format 3, Format 4 (See PUCCH-FormatConfig)
pi2BPSK Format 1, Format 2, Format 3, Format 4 (See PUCCH-FormatConfig)
simultaneousHARQ_ACK_CSI Format 1, Format 2, Format 3, Format 4 (See PUCCH-FormatConfig)





PUCCH Resource List(Table) 有两种定义方式。一种是使用3GPP协议里预先定义的资源集配置,另一种是通过RRC信令进行配置。

< Case 1 > 使用预定义表格 : Before PUCCH-Config in RRC

这种场景在 38.213-9.2.1 里描述如下,在没有收到RRC信令携带PUCCH-Config及PUCCHResourceSet配置时,使用协议预定义的表格。有两个RRC信令会携带PUCCH-Config,RRCSetup和SA场景的RRCReconfiguration或NSA场景的RRCConnectionReconfiguration。所以如果RRCSetup中配置了PUCCH-Config,预定义的表格只在RRCSetup之前一小段时间使用。而如果RRCSetup没有配置PUCCH-Config,则在RRCReconfiguration之前都会使用。

  • If a UE does not have dedicated PUCCH resource configuration, provided by higher layer parameter PUCCHResourceSet in PUCCH-Config, a PUCCH resource set is provided by higher layer parameter pucch-ResourceCommon in SystemInformationBlockType1 through an index to a row of Table 9.2.1-1 for transmission of HARQ-ACK information on PUCCH in an initial active UL BWP of N_size_BWP PRBs provided by SystemInformationBlockType1

<38.213 v15.3 - Table 9.2.1-1: PUCCH resource sets before dedicated PUCCH resource configuration >


每个小区只能使用表中的一个资源,使用哪个资源由 SIB1中的PUCCH-ConfigCommon.pucch-ResourceCommon字段指示,如下。

  • PUCCH-ConfigCommon ::= SEQUENCE {

  • pucch-ResourceCommon INTEGER (0…15) OPTIONAL, – Need R

  • pucch-GroupHopping ENUMERATED { neither, enable, disable },

  • hoppingId INTEGER (0…1023) OPTIONAL, – Need R

  • p0-nominal INTEGER (-202…24) OPTIONAL, – Need R

  • }

pucch-ResourceCommon 指示 0 到 15 的资源索引,使用此索引在 38.213 Table 9.2.1-1 找到对应资源信息。

例如,如果 pucch-ResourceCommon = 1 将使用如下的PUCCH资源配置。

  • PUCCH Format = Format 0

  • FirstSymbol = 12

  • Number of Symbols = 2

  • PRB Offset = 0

  • Set of Initial CS Indexes = {0,4,8}

在 38.213 Table 9.2.1-1表格中定义了PUCCH的格式和时域资源信息,但是没有指明频域资源信息。其频域信息需要通过 DCI 和 PDCCH CCE位置计算得到(38.213-9.2.1)。


< Case 2 > 使用RRC信令配置的表格 : After PUCCH-Config in RRC

PUCCH资源表在RRC消息中定义(e.g, RRCSetup(NR), RRCReconfiguration(NR), RRCConnectionReconfiguration(LTE for NR Addition),创建一个PUCCH资源分配表格主要由以下步骤构成。

  • 第 1 步: 在resourceToAddModList中定义gNB可能用到的所有PUCCH Format 资源

  • 第 2 步: 通过将以上资源组合,在resourceSetToAddModList中定义一个或多个资源集


  • 第 1 步: 根据UCI bit长度从ResourceSetToAddModList中选出一个资源集

  • 第 2 步: 根据DCI指示从选出的资源集中选出特定资源

下图描述了步骤1的过程(PUCCH 资源集的选择)


下图描述了步骤2的过程(PUCCH 资源的选择)



这些例子来自 Amarisoft Network Simulator.

实例 1
     pucch-ResourceSetID  = 0
           0, // these are the pucch-ResourceId defined in resourceToAddModList.
           1, // you can make any combination of the list here
           2, //   example : {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
           3, //   example : {0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3}
           4, //   example : {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
        pucch-ResourceId = 0
        startingPRB = 0
        intraSlotFrequencyHopping = Omitted
        secondHopPRB = 0
        format = format0
           format 0
                 initialCyclicShift = 0
                 nrofSymbols = 1
                 startingSymbolIndex = 13
        pucch-ResourceId = 1
        startingPRB = 0
        intraSlotFrequencyHopping = Omitted
        secondHopPRB = 0
        format = format0
           format 0
                 initialCyclicShift = 1
                 nrofSymbols = 1
                 startingSymbolIndex = 13
        pucch-ResourceId = 2
        startingPRB = 0
        intraSlotFrequencyHopping = Omitted
        secondHopPRB = 0
        format = format0
           format 0
                 initialCyclicShift = 3
                 nrofSymbols = 1
                 startingSymbolIndex = 13
        pucch-ResourceId = 3
        startingPRB = 0
        intraSlotFrequencyHopping = Omitted
        secondHopPRB = 0
        format = format0
           format 0
                 initialCyclicShift = 7
                 nrofSymbols = 1
                 startingSymbolIndex = 13
        pucch-ResourceId = 4
        startingPRB = 0
        intraSlotFrequencyHopping = Omitted
        secondHopPRB = 0
        format = format0
           format 0
                 initialCyclicShift = 0
                 nrofSymbols = 1
                 startingSymbolIndex = 13
        pucch-ResourceId = 5
        startingPRB = 0
        intraSlotFrequencyHopping = Omitted
        secondHopPRB = 0
        format = format0
           format 0
                 initialCyclicShift = 1
                 nrofSymbols = 1
                 startingSymbolIndex = 13
        pucch-ResourceId = 6
        startingPRB = 0
        intraSlotFrequencyHopping = Omitted
        secondHopPRB = 0
        format = format0
           format 0
                 initialCyclicShift = 3
                 nrofSymbols = 1
                 startingSymbolIndex = 13
        pucch-ResourceId = 7
        startingPRB = 0
        intraSlotFrequencyHopping = Omitted
        secondHopPRB = 0
        format = format0
           format 0
                 initialCyclicShift = 7
                 nrofSymbols = 1
                 startingSymbolIndex = 13
实例 2
uplinkConfig {
  initialUplinkBWP {
    pucch-Config setup: {
      resourceSetToAddModList {
          pucch-ResourceSetId 0,
          resourceList {
          pucch-ResourceSetId 1,
          resourceList {
      resourceToAddModList {
          pucch-ResourceId 0,
          startingPRB 0,
          intraSlotFrequencyHopping enabled,
          secondHopPRB 50,
          format format1: {
            initialCyclicShift 0,
            nrofSymbols 14,
            startingSymbolIndex 0,
            timeDomainOCC 0
          pucch-ResourceId 1,
          startingPRB 0,
          intraSlotFrequencyHopping enabled,
          secondHopPRB 50,
          format format1: {
            initialCyclicShift 4,
            nrofSymbols 14,
            startingSymbolIndex 0,
            timeDomainOCC 0
          pucch-ResourceId 2,
          startingPRB 0,
          intraSlotFrequencyHopping enabled,
          secondHopPRB 50,
          format format1: {
            initialCyclicShift 8,
            nrofSymbols 14,
            startingSymbolIndex 0,
            timeDomainOCC 0
          pucch-ResourceId 3,
          startingPRB 0,
          intraSlotFrequencyHopping enabled,
          secondHopPRB 50,
          format format1: {
            initialCyclicShift 0,
            nrofSymbols 14,
            startingSymbolIndex 0,
            timeDomainOCC 1
          pucch-ResourceId 4,
          startingPRB 0,
          intraSlotFrequencyHopping enabled,
          secondHopPRB 50,
          format format1: {
            initialCyclicShift 4,
            nrofSymbols 14,
            startingSymbolIndex 0,
            timeDomainOCC 1
          pucch-ResourceId 5,
          startingPRB 0,
          intraSlotFrequencyHopping enabled,
          secondHopPRB 50,
          format format1: {
            initialCyclicShift 8,
            nrofSymbols 14,
            startingSymbolIndex 0,
            timeDomainOCC 1
          pucch-ResourceId 6,
          startingPRB 0,
          intraSlotFrequencyHopping enabled,
          secondHopPRB 50,
          format format1: {
            initialCyclicShift 0,
            nrofSymbols 14,
            startingSymbolIndex 0,
            timeDomainOCC 2
          pucch-ResourceId 7,
          startingPRB 0,
          intraSlotFrequencyHopping enabled,
          secondHopPRB 50,
          format format1: {
            initialCyclicShift 4,
            nrofSymbols 14,
            startingSymbolIndex 0,
            timeDomainOCC 2
          pucch-ResourceId 8,
          startingPRB 50,
          intraSlotFrequencyHopping enabled,
          secondHopPRB 0,
          format format4: {
            nrofSymbols 14,
            occ-Length n4,
            occ-Index n0,
            startingSymbolIndex 0
          pucch-ResourceId 9,
          startingPRB 50,
          intraSlotFrequencyHopping enabled,
          secondHopPRB 0,
          format format4: {
            nrofSymbols 14,
            occ-Length n4,
            occ-Index n1,
            startingSymbolIndex 0
          pucch-ResourceId 10,
          startingPRB 50,
          intraSlotFrequencyHopping enabled,
          secondHopPRB 0,
          format format4: {
            nrofSymbols 14,
            occ-Length n4,
            occ-Index n2,
            startingSymbolIndex 0
          pucch-ResourceId 11,
          startingPRB 50,
          intraSlotFrequencyHopping enabled,
          secondHopPRB 0,
          format format4: {
            nrofSymbols 14,
            occ-Length n4,
            occ-Index n3,
            startingSymbolIndex 0
          pucch-ResourceId 12,
          startingPRB 1,
          intraSlotFrequencyHopping enabled,
          secondHopPRB 49,
          format format4: {
            nrofSymbols 14,
            occ-Length n4,
            occ-Index n0,
            startingSymbolIndex 0
          pucch-ResourceId 13,
          startingPRB 1,
          intraSlotFrequencyHopping enabled,
          secondHopPRB 49,
          format format4: {
            nrofSymbols 14,
            occ-Length n4,
            occ-Index n1,
            startingSymbolIndex 0
          pucch-ResourceId 14,
          startingPRB 1,
          intraSlotFrequencyHopping enabled,
          secondHopPRB 49,
          format format4: {
            nrofSymbols 14,
            occ-Length n4,
            occ-Index n2,
            startingSymbolIndex 0
          pucch-ResourceId 15,
          startingPRB 1,
          intraSlotFrequencyHopping enabled,
          secondHopPRB 49,
          format format4: {
            nrofSymbols 14,
            occ-Length n4,
            occ-Index n3,
            startingSymbolIndex 0
          pucch-ResourceId 16,
          startingPRB 49,
          intraSlotFrequencyHopping enabled,
          secondHopPRB 1,
          format format1: {
            initialCyclicShift 8,
            nrofSymbols 14,
            startingSymbolIndex 0,
            timeDomainOCC 0
      format1 setup: {
      format4 setup: {
        maxCodeRate zeroDot25


Based on 38.331 v15.3

PUCCH-Config ::=     SEQUENCE {
  resourceSetToAddModList     SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUCCH-ResourceSets)) OF PUCCH-ResourceSet       OPTIONAL,  -- Need N
  resourceSetToReleaseList    SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUCCH-ResourceSets)) OF PUCCH-ResourceSetId      OPTIONAL,  -- Need N
  resourceToAddModList       SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUCCH-Resources)) OF PUCCH-Resource        OPTIONAL,  -- Need N
  resourceToReleaseList      SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUCCH-Resources)) OF PUCCH-ResourceId       OPTIONAL,  -- Need N
  format1             SetupRelease { PUCCH-FormatConfig } OPTIONAL,  -- Need M
  format2             SetupRelease { PUCCH-FormatConfig } OPTIONAL,  -- Need M
  format3             SetupRelease { PUCCH-FormatConfig } OPTIONAL,  -- Need M
  format4             SetupRelease { PUCCH-FormatConfig } OPTIONAL,  -- Need M
  schedulingRequestResourceToAddModList  SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSR-Resources)) OF SchedulingRequestResourceConfig   OPTIONAL, -- Need M
  schedulingRequestResourceToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSR-Resources)) OF SchedulingRequestResourceId     OPTIONAL, -- Need M
  multi-CSI-PUCCH-ResourceList  SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF PUCCH-ResourceId OPTIONAL,-- Need M
  dl-DataToUL-ACK        SEQUENCE (SIZE (8)) OF INTEGER (0..15)  OPTIONAL,  -- Need M
  spatialRelationInfoToAddModList  SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSpatialRelationInfos)) OF PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfo  OPTIONAL,  -- Need N

  spatialRelationInfoToReleaseList  SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSpatialRelationInfos)) OF PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfoId OPTIONAL,  -- Need N
  pucch-PowerControl         [PUCCH-PowerControl]  OPTIONAL,  -- Need M

maxNrofPUCCH-ResourceSets = 4

maxNrofPUCCH-Resources = 127

resourceSetToAddModList : List of PUCCH-ResourceSet

resourceToAddModList : Lists for adding PUCCH resources applicable for the UL BWP and serving cell in which the PUCCH-Config is defined. The resources defined herein are referred to from other parts of the configuration to determine which resource the UE shall use for which report.

format1 : Parameters that are common for all PUCCH resources of format 1

format2 : Parameters that are common for all PUCCH resources of format 2

format3 : Parameters that are common for all PUCCH resources of format 3

format4 : Parameters that are common for all PUCCH resources of format 4

dl-DataToUL-ACK : List of timiing for given PDSCH to the DL ACK. In this version of the specification only the values [0…8] are applicable. Corresponds to L1 parameter ‘Slot-timing-value-K1’

spatialRelationInfoToAddModList : Configuration of the spatial relation between a reference RS and PUCCH. Reference RS can be SSB/CSI-RS/SRS. If the list has more than one element, MAC-CE selects a single element. Corresponds to L1 parameter ‘PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfo’

PUCCH-FormatConfig ::=         SEQUENCE {
  interslotFrequencyHopping        ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL,  -- Need R
  additionalDMRS             ENUMERATED {true}   OPTIONAL,  -- Need R
  maxCodeRate               PUCCH-MaxCodeRate   OPTIONAL,  -- Need R
  nrofSlots                ENUMERATED {n2,n4,n8}  OPTIONAL,  -- Need S
  pi2PBSK                 ENUMERATED {enabled}  OPTIONAL,  -- Need R
  simultaneousHARQ-ACK-CSI        ENUMERATED {true}    OPTIONAL  -- Need R

PUCCH-MaxCodeRate ::=     ENUMERATED {zeroDot08, zeroDot15, zeroDot25, zeroDot35, zeroDot45, zeroDot60, zeroDot80}

interslotFrequencyHopping : Enabling inter-slot frequency hopping when PUCCH Format 1, 3 or 4 is repetead over multiple slots. The field is not applicable for format 2

additionalDMRS : Enabling 2 DMRS symbols per hop of a PUCCH Format 3 or 4 if both hops are more than X symbols when FH is enabled (X=4). Enabling 4 DMRS sybmols for a PUCCH Format 3 or 4 with more than 2X+1 symbols when FH is disabled (X=4). Corresponds to L1 parameter ‘PUCCH-F3-F4-additional-DMRS’. The field is not applicable for format 1 and 2.

maxCodeRate : Max coding rate to determine how to feedback UCI on PUCCH for format 2, 3 or 4. Corresponds to L1 parameter ‘PUCCH-F2-maximum-coderate’, ‘PUCCH-F3-maximum-coderate’ and ‘PUCCH-F4-maximum-coderate’ . The field is not applicable for format 1.

nrofSlots : Number of slots with the same PUCCH F1, F3 or F4. When the field is absent the UE applies the value n1. Corresponds to L1 parameter ‘PUCCH-F1-number-of-slots’, ‘PUCCH-F3-number-of-slots’ and ‘PUCCH-F4-number-of-slots’. The field is not applicable for format 2.

pi2PBSK : Enabling pi/2 BPSK for UCI symbols instead of QPSK for PUCCH. Corresponds to L1 parameter ‘PUCCH-PF3-PF4-pi/2PBSK’. The field is not applicable for format 1 and 2.

simultaneousHARQ-ACK-CSI : Enabling simultaneous transmission of CSI and HARQ-ACK feedback with or without SR with PUCCH Format 2, 3 or 4. Corresponds to L1 parameter ‘PUCCH-F2-Simultaneous-HARQ-ACK-CSI’, ‘PUCCH-F3-Simultaneous-HARQ-ACK-CSI’ and ‘PUCCH-F4-Simultaneous-HARQ-ACK-CSI’. When the field is absent the UE applies the value OFF. The field is not applicable for format 1.

PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfo ::=        SEQUENCE {
  pucch-SpatialRelationInfoId         PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfoId,
  referenceSignal               CHOICE {
    ssb-Index                  SSB-Index,
    csi-RS-Index               NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId,
    srs                        SRS-ResourceId
  pucch-PathlossReferenceRS-Id         PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id,
  p0-PUCCH-Id                 P0-PUCCH-Id,
  closedLoopIndex               ENUMERATED { i0, i1 }

PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfoId ::=       INTEGER (1..maxNrofSpatialRelationInfos)

PUCCH-ResourceSet ::=            SEQUENCE {
  pucch-ResourceSetId             PUCCH-ResourceSetId,
  resourceList                SEQUENCE (SIZE (8..maxNrofPUCCH-ResourcesPerSet)) OF PUCCH-ResourceId,
  maxPayloadMinus1              INTEGER (4..256) OPTIONAL  -- Need R

maxNrofPUCCH-ResourcesPerSet ::= 4

PUCCH-ResourceSetId ::=             INTEGER (0..maxNrofPUCCH-ResourceSets-1)

PUCCH-Resource ::=                SEQUENCE {
  pucch-ResourceId                PUCCH-ResourceId,
  startingPRB                   PRB-Id,
  intraSlotFrequencyHopping            ENUMERATED { enabled } OPTIONAL,  -- Need R
  secondHopPRB                  PRB-Id   OPTIONAL,  -- Need R


  format       CHOICE {
    format0        PUCCH-format0,   - Cond InFirstSetOnly
    format1        PUCCH-format1,   - Cond InFirstSetOnly
    format2        PUCCH-format2,   - Cond NotInFirstSet
    format3        PUCCH-format3,   - Cond NotInFirstSet
    format4        PUCCH-format4    - Cond NotInFirstSet

PUCCH-ResourceId ::=              INTEGER (0..maxNrofPUCCH-Resources-1)

PUCCH-format0 ::=                SEQUENCE {
  initialCyclicShift               INTEGER(0..11),
  nrofSymbols                   INTEGER (1..2),
  startingSymbolIndex               INTEGER(0..13)

PUCCH-format1 ::=                SEQUENCE {
  initialCyclicShift               INTEGER(0..11),
  nrofSymbols                   INTEGER (4..14),
  startingSymbolIndex               INTEGER(0..10),
  timeDomainOCC                  INTEGER(0..6)

PUCCH-format2 ::=                SEQUENCE {
  nrofPRBs                    INTEGER (1..16),
  nrofSymbols                   INTEGER (1..2),
  startingSymbolIndex               INTEGER(0..13)

PUCCH-format3 ::=                SEQUENCE {
  nrofPRBs                    INTEGER (1..16),
  nrofSymbols                   INTEGER (4..14),
  startingSymbolIndex               INTEGER(0..10)

PUCCH-format4 ::=                SEQUENCE {
  nrofSymbols                   INTEGER (4..14),
  occ-Length                   ENUMERATED {n2,n4},
  occ-Index                    ENUMERATED {n0,n1,n2,n3},
  startingSymbolIndex               INTEGER(0..10)

SchedulingRequestResourceConfig ::=  SEQUENCE {
  schedulingRequestResourceId       SchedulingRequestResourceId,
  schedulingRequestID           SchedulingRequestId,
  periodicityAndOffset           CHOICE {
    sym2                  NULL,            
    sym6or7                 NULL,            
    sl1                   NULL,   -- Recurs in every slot
    sl2                   INTEGER (0..1),
    sl4                   INTEGER (0..3),
    sl5                   INTEGER (0..4),
    sl8                   INTEGER (0..7),
    sl10                  INTEGER (0..9),
    sl16                  INTEGER (0..15),
    sl20                  INTEGER (0..19),
    sl40                  INTEGER (0..39),
    sl80                  INTEGER (0..79),
    sl160                  INTEGER (0..159),
    sl320                  INTEGER (0..319),
    sl640                  INTEGER (0..639)
  }     OPTIONAL,  -- Need M
  resource                  PUCCH-ResourceId   OPTIONAL  -- Need M

PUCCH-PowerControl ::=    SEQUENCE {
  deltaF-PUCCH-f0      INTEGER (-16..15)   OPTIONAL,  -- Need R
  deltaF-PUCCH-f1      INTEGER (-16..15)   OPTIONAL,  -- Need R
  deltaF-PUCCH-f2      INTEGER (-16..15)   OPTIONAL,  -- Need R
  deltaF-PUCCH-f3      INTEGER (-16..15)   OPTIONAL,  -- Need R
  deltaF-PUCCH-f4      INTEGER (-16..15)   OPTIONAL,  -- Need R
  p0-Set           SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUCCH-P0-PerSet)) OF P0-PUCCH      OPTIONAL, -- Need M
  pathlossReferenceRSs    SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUCCH-PathlossReferenceRSs)) OF PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS OPTIONAL, -- Need M
  twoPUCCH-PC-AdjustmentStates   ENUMERATED {twoStates} OPTIONAL, -- Need R

P0-PUCCH ::=              SEQUENCE {
  p0-PUCCH-Id               P0-PUCCH-Id,
  p0-PUCCH-Value             INTEGER (-16..15)

P0-PUCCH-Id ::=             INTEGER (1..8)

PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS ::=      SEQUENCE {
  pucch-PathlossReferenceRS-Id         PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id,
  referenceSignal               CHOICE {
     ssb-Index                  SSB-Index,
     csi-RS-Index               NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId

PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofPUCCH-PathlossReferenceRSs-1)

PUCCH-ConfigCommon ::= SEQUENCE {
   pucch-ResourceCommon        INTEGER (0..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
   pucch-GroupHopping          ENUMERATED { neither, enable, disable },
   hoppingId                  INTEGER (0..1023) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
   p0-nominal                 INTEGER (-202..24) OPTIONAL, -- Need R


[1] Physical Uplink Control Channel Design for 5G New Radio

[2] 5G NR UCI | Uplink Control Information (UCI) in 5G NR

[3] Physical Uplink Control Channel Design for 5G NewvRadio

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